Sunday, May 3, 2009

...whats mine is yours as well...

firstly,this post is specially for
you Wan Fatin Irina or simply known by everyone as Lynn hehe yea,what the??the name is like way different from each other lolz..aite,i owe a lot to this girl and she is the one who help me out when everything in my world seems to stumble down on me and i personally not a very strong person to cope with failures and without her advices,im not very sure i can actually stand back on my feet and move on with my life.She was there to witness everything and how things progress between me and baiti in the past and i think she is the only one who know the truth what happened between us xD..and well,from a friend of my ex-gf to my emo partner now and what more can i ask from you yang?? =) the only person i think i have owe so much that i don't even know howta repay to you sigh...all those time you was there to listens to my sorrows and you didn't actually turn away from me but still layan me instead,honestly im were baiti's best friend and who is adlan to you back then??you didn't just walk away and you understand me so well..Oh well,look where it brought us today?Even with you thousand miles away from where i am,we still feel dat closeness that we had when you're back in Malaysia hehe..I know its hard to cope with all those time difference and me and my working timing but amazingly we did!!..lolz yes i'll remember that the quote that we came out with "what is mine is yours and what is yours is mine as well" and that was sweet of you haha This post is specially for you and i want to say a million "thank you" for all you have done for me and all those time you wasted on me too..i can't wait for you to be back in june and the lepak-ing routine with najee,anis and zan will be back like usual take care now and remember this,someone always will be missing you here in malaysia..

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