Tuesday, August 26, 2008

..a new year and a new hairstyle..

*old me,big difference huh??..

* poyo-ness...

*the new me..

2008..wat a year has been for me,ups and down through the whole time and im glad im still survive =P..as usual adlan and his hairstyle,kinda change from a la-la style(according to some of my frens) now turn into spiky again dis year..Well,thought of changing to a much more Click Five hairstyle in 09 so wait for it guys *smiLes..Not only my hairstyle have change but thanks to some of my frens *ahem..Kevin,intro me to vans and skinny jeans lolz..yes yes,adlan in skinny jeans haha Stop laughing guys =D..much more casual i think dis year i guess...