aite aite..lately everyone is talking bout m.o.s and some ppl actually went crazy bout it haha even a few of my frens is like 'kaki overthere so well,i actually went there last thursday to experience it myself =P..Thanks to her i change my mind at the last minute and followed najee to dis place[thanks apek for showing us the way..] hehe..Well,since najee haven't club in 5months and me,7months..we're pretty excited bout it plus its the 'ladies nite so well ppl,you know wat i mean kan??haha..So we reach there pretty early and met up with taty and annie =D..We went in and waited for the other 4 of them to arrive,i was happy too cuz in m.o.s i actually met up wit izhar and naim,its been awhile since i met them =D..its fun catching up stories bout them after a long time didn't see each other haha..
finally the 4 of them arrive and fuhh..Agak lama la we waited lolz..Well its girls kan,can't blame them =P...i havta personally thanks cheung yip and you know wat it is *smiLes..Next stop,the dance floor hehe omg,it was crowded and trust me,mr.najee here was having the time of his life lolz...Met up david on the dance floor and well,he is doin wat he does best,flirting around the dance floor =D...Oh trust me we had loaDs of regular break cuz well,after all those dance,tiring wei..Even najee nearly got his leg cramp so yupp..
the whole thing ended around 3a.m. and well,im sorry for the girls cuz their legs was hurting due to the heels they wore..sigh,nvm..the next time we have *ahem majlis mabuk [just a term ppl so yupp]..Club with flops aite?lolz..Felt kinda upset when i saw dis dude was sleeping on the floor due to consuming TOO much of alcohol,sigh..word of advice from me to them,you guys havta go slow on the alcohol wei..It's suppose to be a fun nite for everyone but is it worth it to be drunk to the MAX at the end of it??..think bout it ppl,its such a shame to see teenagers dis days leading dis way of life..well well,i reach home around 5-ish and trust me i can'seem to doze off eventhough i have work the next day lolz...
*thanks for dis special nite baiti,i wouldn't have dat much of fun without you over there..
spending time with you and actually see you have fun made my nite..
i'm happy to see you happy..*